There are several things that I see at play in this video:
- This isn't really about praising's more about silly, repressed, gullible and childlike individuals finally being allowed to (or daring to) have fun.
- The people in the religion these days aren't really concerned with facts and doctrine. They are more interested in the emotional aspect of having a dream or fantasy to cling to that distracts them from the realities of life.
- They are grateful for anything that will break up the monotony of an otherwise dull and uninspiring program.
- They are desperate to "feel" something and are forcing themselves to feel as if they are having a spiritual moment.
- Others join in because they don't want to seem as if they aren't being spiritually moved as well, or that they aren't on board with this new trend.
I imagine the elderly and or disabled folks in attendance who weren't able to stand, felt a bit cut off and isolated from the festivities, when their view of the program was blocked by all those shimmying backsides. I think we're going to see more of this as this boring stodgy old white man's religion is primarily made up of people from non western lands.